Disciplinary activities (attività disciplinare)

Dottorato in Scienze dell’Ingegneria (PhD in Engineering Sciences)

For complementary skills (attività trasversali), the PhD students are referred to the activities coordinated by IUSS, see iuss.unife.it/scuole/attivita-trasversali

Disciplinary activities (attività disciplinare)

Lectures, seminars, minicourses, classes, academic year 2019-20



Speakers and/or Organization

Number of hours


Main area

Modeling challenges in seismic collapse analysis of RC buildings

Prof. Sashi Kunnath, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering - University of California at Davis (USA)

2h – 30 May 2019


Organizzazione ed esperienze di una società d'ingegneria strutturale

Architettura e struttura: problemi posti dal free form design

Ing. Antonello Mezzaluna, INGECO srl

2h – 1 Dec 2019


Virtual Element Method

Dr. Gianmarco Manzini, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA

2h – 28 Gen 2020


Deep Learning

(architecture of deep neural network, python language;

see specific website of the course)

Dr. Riccardo Zese, RTD, UniFE


I semester – 6 credits (~50h)


Mechanics of Structures

(see specific website of the course)

Dr. Andrea Chiozzi, RTD, UniFE

II semester – 9 credits (>60 hours)




Optimization Methods

(see specific website of the course)

Prof. Maddalena Nonato, UniFE

II semester – 6 credits (~50h)



Numerical methods for partial differential equations

(see specific website of the course; in english)

Prof. Giacomo Di Marco, UniFE, Math Dept.

II semester – 9 credits (>60 hours)



AIAS Academy – PhD Summer School

AIAS Organization:

contatto UNiFE : Prof. Paolo Livieri

italian/international speakers as reported on the program

15-18 june 2020

full days


Introduction to models and techniques for wave propagation

Prof. Stefano Trillo, UniFE

Prof. Alessandro Valiani, UniFE

20h, date to be fixed,

autumn 2020


Introduction to computational complexity, and the polynomial hierarchy of complexity classes

Prof. Marco Gavanelli, UniFE

2h, October 2020

Information - general

Advanced technologies and algorithms for ICT

5/6 internal (ENDIF) and external speakers in the area of ICT

10/12h, October 2020


Elementi di filosofia e metodologia della ricerca

Prof. Giacomo Zanni, UniFE

Prof. Davide Viaggi, UniBO

Two half days, October 2020


Analisi modale sperimentale: Teoria e Pratica

Prof. Emiliano Mucchi

8h, date to be fixed


Metrologia: problematiche e qualità della misura di grandezze fisiche

Prof. Michele Pinelli UniFE


8h, date to be fixed


Diagnosi dello stato di funzionamento di sistemi energetici

Prof. Silvio Simani, UniFE

Prof. Pier Ruggiero Spina, UniFE

Prof. Mauro Venturini, UniFE

8h, date to be fixed
