L'articolo “Characterization of Charge Trapping Effects in GaN FETs through Low-Frequency Measurements” di G. Bosi, A. Raffo, A. Nalli, V. Vadalà, G. Vannini, presentato al Congresso INMmiC 2014, ha ricevuto il premio Best Student Paper Award

L'articolo “Characterization of Charge Trapping Effects in GaN FETs through Low-Frequency Measurements” di G. Bosi, A. Raffo, A. Nalli, V. Vadalà, G. Vannini, presentato al Congresso INMmiC 2014, International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits, Leuven, Belgio, ha ricevuto il premio Best Student Paper Award.


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