I seminari del Prof. Sinan Kandemir dell' Izmir Institute of Technology al DE


Dall'8 al 12 aprile il Prof. Sinan Kandemir dell' Izmir Institute of Technology (Turchia) nell'ambito dell' Erasmus Mobility Programme ha tenuto i seminari "SEM and TEM analyses for material characterization" e "Metal Matrix Composites" per i corsi di "Metallografia e Failure Analysis" e "Processi Metallurgici e Fonderia". Grazie al Prof. Kandemir per l'eccellente contributo!!

From the 8th to 12th of April Professor Sinan Kandemir form Izmir Institute of Technology (Turkey) was in our Department to give lectures on "SEM and TEM analyses for material characterization"and "Metal Matrix Composites" in the "Metallografia e Failure Analysis" and "Processi Metallurgici e Fonderia" courses under Erasmus mobility programme for teaching. Thank you Prof. Kandemir for the great contribution!!



